Instruments for tackling priority tasks of national project «Science»: universities practice

  • Petruk G.V.

    G.V. Petruk. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Shahlo N.V.

    N.V. Shashlo Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article discusses the main tasks of research activities in universities in the context of the implementation of the basic areas of scientific and technological development in Russia. The study aimed at identification of effective tools that can be used in the practice of universities to address the priorities of our country's scientific policy. The work highlights indicators national of project “Science” that will enforce the achievement of the strategic goal of science development in Russian Federation – ensuring the presence in the top five countries of the world, carrying out research and development. Tools have been identified to enable universities to make a
breakthrough in research activities, which will enable them to implement the objectives set in the national projects of the Russian Federation. The methodological and theoretical basis of the research is made up of works on the issues of scientific-technological and innovative development of countries, research of the scientific potential of universities. There were set out a characteristic of tools used in research practice of a particular university for solving research tasks, increasing the quality and effectiveness of scientific research, upgrading the efficacy of educational process. It has been proved that the implemented approach at the university is based on
the balance of traditions and innovations in the management of the university's scientific activities. The application of this experience will significantly expand the possibility of accomplishing the strategic objectives of national project “Science” set by the government. The novelty and originality of the study lies in identifying tools that allow regional universities to respond development challenges of Russia’s scientific and technological progress. The implementation of the realized approach to other universities practice will speed up the execution of the tasks set by the government of the country.
Keywords: university, scientific and technological development, research, science, research and development, innovation, science-intensive technologies, state, national project.